03 JANUARY 2021

A Message from our Chairman 2021

Dear All,

As we say goodbye to 2020 and welcome the New Year with open arms having endured a very long and challenging year last year, we enter the New Year with the cloud of the virus still hanging over our head and the uncertainty resulting from the Brexit deal no doubt will mark 2021 a challenging one too.

I strongly believe hard work commitment and cooperation are required among our members to overcome the challenges ahead of us.

The vaccine is coming and the hope of its success is a reality which no doubt will inject hope and the end of the dark days of Covid-19.

Despite of the doom and gloom of last year, we have managed to maintain most of our functions and organised new events, kept in touch with all our members and managed to rally them around. We have all the intention of carrying on what we have left of from last year – organising a very busy calendar of events. Also, with the new website and our proposed 2021 directory and the hard work of our Office Manager and Business Development Manager, and the commitment from the entire committee to make 2021 a successful year, no doubt we will require help and contribution from all of you.

First by urging you to renew your membership. Taking part in our functions and activities and increasing your cooperation with other members and helping each other for the sake of success and prosperity.

I would like to invite you to be a QBBF Ambassador to spread the good work and vision and mission of QBBF among your colleagues and friends so we could have new members joining us with their positive contributions.

I take this opportunity to wish you a Happy New Year and I wish you all the best and  a year of joy and success.


Emad Turkman MBE

Chairman, QBBF

Group Chief Executive Officer, Rumaillah Group